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Synod of the Sun at USAME 2019: Chris Evans

Chris Evans
Chris Evans, Moderator: Pines Presbytery

Chris Evans, from Natchitoches, Louisiana, has been selected as the second representative from Synod of the Sun to go on the USA Mission Experience in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State, July 12-22, 2019. Chris has been Pines Presbytery PW Moderator for the last 2-3 years. She has been a member of First Presbyterian Church in Natchitoches for 39 years and PW Moderator there for at least 15 years.

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Synod of the Sun at USAME 2019: Julie Launey

SOS Representative to USAME-New York

Julie Launey from Tyler, TX has been selected to participate in the USA Mission Experience to the Finger Lakes Region of New York on July 12-22, 2019.  Julie has been active in PW, local church activities, and the community through her membership in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Beaumont (New Covenant Presbytery), University Presbyterian Church in Baton Rouge (South Louisiana Presbytery), and now First Presbyterian Church in Tyler, TX (Grace Presbytery). 

Continue reading “Synod of the Sun at USAME 2019: Julie Launey”

PW prayer for these difficult times

(from the Presbyterian Women national Facebook page)

PW Prayer for These Times*

God of hope, because you have forgiven and freed us in Jesus Christ, and empowered us by the Holy Spirit, help us commit ourselves to: Continue reading “PW prayer for these difficult times”